In order to make learning Armenian Duduk easier, the "Duduk Rocks" team has created this series of explanatory videos. All exercises and melodies were produced in collaboration with the young and talented duduk player Gagik Hakobyan, based on the Duduk manual "Armenian Duduk Method" by Georgy Minasyan.
Duduk Rocks received kind permission from Georgy Minasyan Jr., the author and copyright holder of the manual, to publish the sheet music in their videos.
Վարդանի մոր ողբը (Vartani mor voghpe) - The mourning of Vartan's mother
Horzham - Յորժամ
Սարերի հովին մեռնեմ (Sareri Hovin Mernem) - May I die to the wind of the mountains
Լեպհո լե լե - Lepo Leh Leh
Հարս եմ գնում (Hars em gnum) - I am getting married
Նուբար-Նուբար - Nubar Nubar
Հինգալլա (Hingala) - Song of the Shepherd